2023 Awards
Years of Service Awards
5 Years | 10 Years | 20 Years |
Kaitlyn Remely | Tyler Weiler | Mark Clare |
Shannon Remely | Jason Snyder |
President’s Award

Tom Schaller Community Interest Award

Ron Comfort Sr. Fire Police Award

Keith Rankin Training Award

Pookie Behind the Scenes Award

Honorable Mentions: Jen Slover and Mike Pickard
Chief’s Award

Top Responders

Rookie Firefighter of the Year

Fire Officer of the Year

(Marilyn is a member of the LTFD support staff)
Firefighter of the Year

Thank Me for My Service Award
Devin Ashba for being the most present on the department’s social media with 180 Facebook posts, 58 Instagram photos, and a divider page in the PA Fireman magazine centerfold.

Select A Year:
The Lancaster Township Fire Department held its annual service awards banquet on Saturday December 3, 2022, at the Conestoga Country Club.
Awards Gallery