A cat was rescued from a storm drain at the intersection of Pennshire and Elmshire Drive at 3:38 pm today. School children exiting their school bus discovered a cat in a storm drain. LT. James Logan and Firefighter Gene Gallagher removed the storm drain grate which caused the cat to scurry into the drain pipe that connected to the opposite side of the street. Firefighters Katie Ramely and Jade Miller attempted to entice the cat out from both ends of the pipe on each side of the street to no avail. Firefighter Miller employed the reel line from Engine 66-1 like a spray bottle to move the cat to Firefighter Remely’s strom drain. Firefighter Remely grabbed the cat as it exited the drain pipe. The cat was released and trotted along its merry way into the neighborhood contemplating what to do with the remaining 8 lives. The owner of the cat is unknown.

March 23, 2023